Keto Coffee and the Gift of a Better Brew | Skylonda Lodge
With the rise in popularity of keto coffee — coffee that gives your body fuel via nutrient-dense, blood sugar-stabilizing fats (grass-fed butter, coconut oil, and collagen powder to name a few) that are added into the cup — the magic of this morning ritual is quickly evolving. Dive in to learn more.
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Keto Coffee and the Gift of a Better Brew

The world loves coffee.  It’s a social ritual that transcends geological and cultural borders.  As Skylonda’s Nutritional Therapist and Coffee Expert Bob Granger puts it:

“Coffee is a gift to be savored. It is how many of us start our day. It is an opportunity to mindfully enjoy a culmination of earth, sun, water and human hands.”


Ah coffee.  Where would we be without our stimulating companion on the quest to become productive members of society?   The calm of the warm touch, the roasted full flavors, and the critical contribution of caffeine all add up to create something like a magical experience.

With the rise in popularity of keto coffee — coffee that gives your body fuel via nutrient-dense, blood sugar-stabilizing fats (grass-fed butter, coconut oil, and collagen powder to name a few) that are added into the cup — the magic of this morning ritual is quickly evolving.

We’ve collected the following information to help highlight the creative possibilities of a modern coffee experience.  Allow this information to inspire an extra touch of time and effort to your morning cup of coffee.  If you do, we’re confident you can take your coffee experience to deeper levels of enjoyment and energy.  Enjoy!

Behind the bean.

From coffee’s origin in Ethiopia, to the specific environments known as the “bean belt” that coffee trees grow in, to the way in which the soil influences the taste and experience of each bean, to labor intense harvesting and roasting practices, each step along the way is sensitive and unique.  It’s no wonder coffee has such an potent effect.

Want to dive deeper?  Learn Everything You’ve Ever Wanted to Know About Coffee here.

Make a better brew.

But now that you have a sense of the saga of the coffee bean — what can you do with them to take your morning ritual to the next level?

Start with the basics:

  • No need to be intimidated. Proper brewing is fairly standard and simple.
  • Use freshly roasted organic beans; roasted within the last 14 days is ideal.
  • Beans ground immediately before brewing, not in advance.
  • Pure water at a temperature of 195-205 f.
  • Brew with a water to bean weight ratio of 15:1
  • Water to bean contact time of 2-4 minutes.


Use these basics and apply them to your home brewing technique of choice.  We’re certain you will taste the difference.

Extra extra.

Although Bob is appreciated around Skylonda for his deep knowledge of coffee beans and brewing basics — it’s the little something specials that he adds to the cup that promise to ascend him to the Coffee Hall of Fame.  Because coffee is a consistent part of many of our mornings, it’s an easy opportunity to fuel the brain with high-quality macronutrients to positively fuel your day.

Try blending different combinations of these super healthy foods to create a beverage that works just right for you:

1. Fat:

  • Organic Pasture-raised Butter or Ghee
  • Organic Virgin Coconut Oil
  • C8 MCT Oil (Caprylic acid)


2. Protein:

  • Grass-fed Collagen Peptides
  • Organic Nut Butters


3. Herbs/Fungi:

  • Organic Reishi Mushroom decoction or powder
  • Organic Lion’s Mane decoction or powder
  • Organic Cordyceps decoction or powder
  • Organic Raw Cacao powder
  • Organic Raw Vanilla Bean powder
  • Organic Cinnamon
  • Organic Bacopa Monnieri
  • Organic Eleuthero Root Powder


Pro tip: pick up a handheld frother to thoroughly mix all the additional ingredients you add into your cup.

Experiment and enjoy.

Final thoughts.

“Consider the families that grew and harvested the coffee you are drinking and the distances that your beans have crossed to help you step into your new day. Express gratitude for such a lovely gift.” – Bob

1 Comment
  • Shelley Seale
    Posted at 18:05h, 21 July

    As a guest at Skylonda last month, who greatly enjoyed Bob’s brews, I have to concur with how good coffee is this way. In fact, I came home and bought the vanilla Vital Proteins creamer and use it every morning in my coffee, along with a bit of coconut sugar and macadamia nut milk. Delish!